Membership Categories
The Alliance has two membership categories and listed below are the benefits offered for each category. Membership to the Alliance is currently free.

Bronze Membership
- Monthly industry newsletter curated especially for industry stakeholders such as hotels, resorts, travel agents and tourism service providers. The newsletter will feature Alliance news, industry updates, thought leadership articles and global best practices. It will be available in English/Sinhala/Tamil languages.
- Industry research – analytics and data insights published by the Alliance and strategic partners, tailor made for industry, to drive data-based decision-making.
- Opportunity to attend industry events such as conferences, workshops, seminars, etc. There may be a participation fee charged based on the nature of the event.
- Access to the Love Sri Lanka sustainable tourism industry priorities and tips for implementation. The Alliance will build on existing Greening Sri Lanka projects, and seek expert advice from existing local and global tourism sustainability champions when creating the list of ten sustainable tourism priorities. Once finalised, the Alliance will share best practice case studies and tips with the membership.
- Ability to contribute to the Alliance’s long-term tourism priorities as part of formulating the 2030 Love Sri Lanka White Paper. The paper will discuss the key priorities relevant to all tourism stakeholders that are members of the Alliance for the next decade in tourism.

Silver Membership
This membership category is available to licensed operators and businesses.
- All Bronze membership benefits AND
- Complimentary business listing on the Sri Lanka Tourism Alliance industry website.
- Complimentary operator listing on consumer website.
- Complimentary Love Sri Lanka travel offer featured on consumer website. The offer will link directly to the member’s nominated website and/or alternative call to action. All offers must match set criteria provided by the Alliance that support the country’s Tourism 2025 Vision.
- Opportunity to contribute experiences for the Love Sri Lanka Experiences content strategy which will be shared to partners and consumers worldwide.
- Opportunity to post job vacancies on the Sri Lanka Tourism Alliance website for a fee.
- Opportunity to post a blog article about your business on the Sri Lanka Tourism Alliance website for a fee.
- Opportunity to advertise your business on the Sri Lanka Tourism Alliance website for a fee.