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Surviving and Thriving Post COVID-19

Surviving and Thriving Post COVID-19

The Sri Lanka Tourism Alliance’s Resilience Webinar Series launched on Friday, 01st May 2020. The Sri Lankan Tourism Industry is no stranger to crisis. The industry has always remained resilient, and focused on what to do next. The webinar series, which is free to the public, aims to harness the abundance of knowledge, insights and […]

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The Sri Lanka Tourism Alliance launched a Resilience Action Plan and a Crisis Response Plan along with

The Sri Lanka Tourism Alliance launched a Resilience Action Plan and a Crisis Response Plan along with

Press Release October 4, 2019 #lovesrilanka The Sri Lanka Tourism Alliance recently launched a Resilience Action Plan and a Crisis Response Plan along with – a website dedicated to travel to Sri Lanka, at the Cinnamon Future of Tourism Conference. The Sri Lanka Tourism Alliance was formed by a group from Sri Lanka’s private […]

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Sri Lanka Tourism Alliance Upbeat About Reviving Travel

Sri Lanka Tourism Alliance Upbeat About Reviving Travel

As featured in Travel Daily Media Sri Lanka’s much-loved hoteliers, including Resplendent Ceylon, Uga Escapes and Taj Hotels have united with like-minded travel industry professionals to create the Sri Lanka Tourism Alliance, an online platform and community to support the country’s return to normalcy following the Easter Sunday attacks. Since the Foreign and Commonwealth Office […]

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#LoveSriLanka by the Sri Lanka Tourism Alliance launches amid support from Sri Lankans & Travellers around the world

#LoveSriLanka by the Sri Lanka Tourism Alliance launches amid support from Sri Lankans & Travellers around the world

Press Release In the wake of the Easter Sunday outrage, several hoteliers came together to form the Sri Lanka Tourism Alliance, launching its #LoveSriLanka initiative. The Alliance’s main focus is the creation of an enabling online platform & community to promote & support Sri Lanka’s return to the norms of island life, specifically with regard […]

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